In my initial testing I have observed, Outlook 2010 works fine with EV 8 SP4 even without the installation of the above hotfix if you use EV 9.0.1 client. However, I am not sure if Symantec would recommend it.
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Monday, May 17, 2010
Symantec Enterprise Vault 9.0 Outlook 2010 Support
In my initial testing I have observed, Outlook 2010 works fine with EV 8 SP4 even without the installation of the above hotfix if you use EV 9.0.1 client. However, I am not sure if Symantec would recommend it.
Microsoft Exchange Server Database Portability
- 0
Hi Friends,
I would like to know can we actually rename edb file in exchange 2007 and mount the database connecting to it?
Secondly, I am an Exchange Admin and I have lost everything(I mean all I have is EDB file with me, and a fresh exchange server 2007) this EDB file is clean, no corruption in it. I want to copy this EDB file on this server so that I can mount it with new storage group & deliver mails to my users.
I know most of you will say try recovery storage group (RSG).
But I want to know is there any way-out where I can simply go to EMC browse where I have pasted my EDB select & mount my database?
Pravin Sangwan
All Replies
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- Portability will allow you to do this IF the users still exist, i.e. when you say you lost everything do you mean Active Directory as well?
- Alternatively check out Lucid8's DigiScope since it can open offline EDB's to allow you access to Browse, Search, Export or Recover data to any Production Exchange server
Troy Werelius - Vote As Helpful
Without knowing the state of the domain, it is hard to say.
If you lost the domain, then your chances of doing anything native with that file are pretty much close to zero, unless you have very good documentation on the exact configuration of the forest, domain and Exchange org, along with the server.If the domain is ok, then you might be able to do something with it. While you have dismissed the RSG, that is the best option here. While you think that file is OK, the fact that it has come from another server means that it cannot really be trusted. You would be best advised to create a new database, new files, mount that file in to an RSG and then bring the data across so that physical file can be trashed.
You cannot just browse through EMC and mount a random database file. You might be able to create a new database and then use the existing file, but that isn't something I have done, nor would I recommend. If the server is not 100% correct in its configuration though, the database will fail to mount.
To sum up, there is not enough information in your post, and too many variables with Exchange databases to be able to say whether it will work or not with any confidence.
Simon Butler, Exchange MVP
Blog | Exchange Resources - 0
Troy & Simon,
Thanks for you reply...
Well, I have my users in AD & I am trying to find some way out where I don't have to go for RSG. All I am looking for is..
Can I simply Transfer or Copy EDB file of my database from old domain to new domain where I can simply connect & Mount the database.
Or you mean to say just EDB file is no good, I have to go for recovery from RSG? Provided database is clean according to ESEUTIL which I ran on new Domain.
Pravin Sangwan
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Perhaps these articles will help you understand what is and is not possible
Database Portability ->
How to Restore a Mailbox Database to a New Server with Database Portability ->
NOTE: As Simon stated, Database Portability won’t work for you if the Exchange server uses different name from the old one that the database came from
Troy Werelius - 0
I already read these two articles but I was thinking if I can find some workaround where I can use EDB file to mount my database to minimize the downtime by not going to RSG and other disaster recovery methods.
Since I am searching for a solution where If I am left with an intact copy (clean shutdown) of EDB which contains data, and I can restore Emails for users If I can connect this EDB in the EMC of the Exchange server.
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As I have already pointed out, there is no simply yes/no answer.
Exchange databases are not like SQL, where you can just mount them and start using them. They are very sensitive to the server name, Exchange org name and to a less extent the domain name. As you haven't provided any information on the status of those key elements, the only answers that can be given are the ones above.If you don't like those answers, then call Microsoft support, pay their fee and they will ask you the very same questions.
Simon Butler, Exchange MVP
Blog | Exchange Resources - Vote As Helpful
Totally in agreement with Simon i.e.
- You can use database portability within its design limitations (which are pretty cool all the way around)
- Use the RSG
- Use a third party utility like Lucid8's DigiScope to open the EDB and take action
Options 1 and 2 are free of course and provide you ample opportunity to get the job done. You certainly can call MS, open a case and pay a fee to here the same thing if desired but in the end it is what it is.
Troy Werelius - 0
Thanks Simon & Troy,
For Explaining me in detail. I am aware of these solutions but I just want to check if there is any workaround if somebody is aware of.
So that In disaster I can minimize the downtime.
Pravin Sangwan
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